Family First Hypnosis

Author name: Celeste


The Subconscious Mind May Help the Blind to “See”


…. in the experiment. He said he could see nothing so why bother? 
The cool thing, is, when he finally tried it he went back and forth down the hall sidestepping all the obstacles including trash cans, a tripod and several boxes of paper! In an earlier experiment, one of the researchers the doctor also had emotional blindsight. When the researcher held up images of fearful faces in front of his face he cringed even though he could not see the face. 
The study which also included in-depth brain imaging is the most amazing demonstration of blindsight to date. Blindsight is defined as the ability to sense things using the brains primitive, subcortical, and entirely subconscious visual system.
For more on the research and for a neat video click here:

Videos for Your Website

My husband is a whiz at video and it wasn’t long before I had him do a video for my site.  You can go there and look at it.  This video has been so well accepted that he decided to offer videos for a fraction of what a professional video usually costs.  

I am very proud of him and hope you’ll check out his work.  He is offering deep discounts and right now for a limited time the cost for a video (like the ones on his site) costs about $429.00.  Usually videos of this caliber are uwards of $2000 each.

Here is his website and I think you’ll agree his services are the best kept secret in the nation for website videos:

Also, for a limited time, if you are a hypnotist or a hypnosis client, you’ll get $50 off of your first video.  Call him now at 214-280-5429.  He does professional videos of all sorts even pod casts!  If you already have a video and you need post production (music, scrolling text, editing etc) he does that too.!  Check it out!!!


Family First Hypnosis got a Face Lift!

So what’s new?

You’ll find an articles page, a training page, a blog and more!

Training page?

Not so fast! More on that in my next blog entry!

What, A Blog?

Oh HECK YEAH! Blogs are a great way to add content to your site and thus SEO. They are also a wonderful way to keep contacts updated on what’s going on AND they are just fun.

So what do you plan to do with this BLOG?

Info on hypnosis, links, photos, videos, updates and more! Whether you are a hypnotist, the general public, a student, or a client…..please keep stopping by! More stuff will be added all the time.

Thanks so much……

Celeste Hackett, certified hypnotist


Turn ON Your Mental Alarm Clock

The most practical way to set your mind like an alarm clock, according to a booklet put out by reknowned (and now deceased) hypnotist Harry Aarons in 1948, is so easy that all you do is 1) make note of the current time from a nearby clock. This is important because the subconscious has to know the time you are going to sleep so it can count the hours correctly as they tick by. 2) Make yourself ready for sleep, get comfy. 3) THINK of the time you want to wake up. Let’s say it’s 7am. Then you just take a few moments to dwell on that time. Think something like the following (in your mind) “I’ll get up at 7am. I’ll get up at 7am sharp. I’ll get up at 7am in the morning. I’ll feel refreshed and rested and awake at 7am in the morning. 7am in the morning is when I’ll get up. I’ll just open my eyes, yawn, and stretch and get out of bed. It will be exactly 7am on the dot. I’ll sleep soundly all night and promptly get up at 7am in the morning. Seven……seven am… am…..”

I read this to my hubby as we lay in bed. Once I told him I was going to try it, he said something disturbing, “I’ve been using my mind for an alarm clock for years, and I don’t do it that way.”
With that, I sat up in bed, and leaned over, my nose close to his husbandly face and said, “Well, Mr. Smarty Man, YOU are not an expert hypnotist, and if it’s good enough for Harry, it’s good enough for me.”
Not exactly the jealous type, he shrugged, smiled and rolled over. 
I sighed and began my auto-suggestion. “7am……7am….7am……” 
I woke up at 8am. EIGHT AM? I yanked the document from my night stand and looked over it very seriously. What could I have possibly done wrong? Then I saw it. “Some people succeed in a few days others it may take one to two weeks”. Two weeks! I didn’t want to wait two weeks. All of a sudden I was becoming more and more curious about my husband’s method. I timidly asked him to share it with me. 
As luck would have it he was in a sharing mood even though I called him Mr. Smarty Man. He said if you want to get up at 7am you hit your head on your pillow 7 times. Then, while pointing your finger in the air, you declare intensely, “I will get up at 7am!” Next you forget about it and go to sleep. 
“That just sounds too easy!” I cried. “Come on!”
“No, really. That’s the way I do it.”
“You bang your head on a pillow?”
I laughingly asked, “Well, what if you want to get up at 7:15 or 7: 30?
“Then I just say, “Plus 15” or ”plus 30.” 
I laughed again, but when he wasn’t looking, my eyes narrowed and I thought, “I’m trying that tonight.”  
Sure enough I did try it, and dang sure enough I did wake up at 6:48M! Now NOT at 7am, but that’s okay because Mr. Aarons said you will likely wake up early at first. He said, also that you should set your alarm clock at first for a few minutes later than you want to get up , just in case your mind doesn’t get it right at first. So keep all of that in mind.
I thought this was so cool that I started training my clients in how to do it. On the first day I met with them, as a parting gift, I’d say, something like, “Before you go, would you like to learn how to train your mind to be your very own alarm clock? They are always very excited to try it. It’s a nice convincer on the power of the subconscious because actually, most of the time, it works on the very first time.
I taught Christopher’s method at first. I called it the “Head Banger Technique”. But then, since I had whip lash a few years ago, and it was uncomfortable for me to bang my head several times, I decided to do the head banging a little differently. I now do what I call the “V8 Method”. I say, “I will get up at 7am”, and “thock” my head 7 times with the palm of my hand like those old V-8 commercials. “Thock! I could have had a V-8!” Remember those? And if I want to get up at 7:30, after thocking 7 times, I say, “plus 30.”
Recently, when I asked one of my clients if he’d like to learn how to train his mind to be his alarm clock, he said he had already been doing that for years. I had to ask about his method. He said he just 1) Checks the time, 2) visualizes a digital clock at the time he wants to get up and 3) Affirms that is when he’ll be waking and 4) Goes to sleep and forgets about it. He says it works like a charm.

Teaching Hypnosis Clients to Maintain Weight Loss

First, to really understand what’s going on in this article please PART ONE of this two part article. You can find it as a blog post on this site.  These two articles are really written for hypnotists working with hypnosis clients, but as a client or even someone who is just trying to keep weight off, you’ll probably find the ideas useful. 


What if Phillip Seymour Hoffman Had tried THIS?

I got the blues when I heard the news about Phillip Seymour Hoffman.  What a sinking feeling my heart went through that day. I just wanted to scream,   “I have something that could have helped you!”  And I do.  It’s called 5-PATH® and it is a system for doing hypnosis sessions that is so powerful it can help a drug addict’s urge literally stop in its tracks and never come back. 

Celeste Hackett

Celeste Hackett Family First Hypnosis

About the Author
Celeste Hackett is a board-certifed hypnotist with decades of experience in the field. Her passion lies in helping people create real, sustainable change so they can live their lives free of unresolved, negative emotions and create a healthier way of living. She teaches hypnosis at a National level, writes for the Journal of Hypnotism, and uses advanced techniques to help you overcome stress and create a lasting sense of peace.
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