Family First Hypnosis



Hypnosis May Help Colitis New Study Shows

 listened to music and showed no substantial change.

Ulcerative colitis is is a disease that causes inflamation of the lining of the colon and rectum, is very painful and causes symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea.

The wonderful thing about hypnosis is that it works not only on Ulcerative colitis, but also is very effective on other “gut” and “bowel” issues such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers.  From the stand point of hypnosis, the reason hypnosis works on physical illness is that the body and mind are connected.

Negative emotions that dont’ get resovled become subconscious as well as the thoughts that support them, and after a while as new emotions that are similar in nature add to that “cup” of turmoil there is a straw that breaks the camels back.  When that happens we see physical disease, problems, or conditions. 

For some people once they have a build up of negative emotion, they may experience the symptoms of Ulcerative collitis and for others it may be migraines or something like asthma.  Negative emotions held subconsciously are stressful to the body, but hypnosis can help you uncover these emotions and help you nuetralize them so they no longer cause problems.  

Here is more on the study in the UK 




There is so much to get from overcoming something. You might feel like you have nothing left fo fight with or for, but don’t give up. You might feel like you are inherently flawed, but do not give up. You might feel like you. Are not good enough and never will be. You might feel like there is just something so wrong with you. You might feel so empty and lonely that your heart and stomach aches. You might hate yourself for doing something once again that you promised you wouldn’t do. You might feel ashamed and stupid. You might feel like no one will ever love you. You might feel so physically sick or tired that you don’t want to go on but don’t give up.


Hypnosis for Alcohol Cessation?

Potential clients need to understand that as a hypnotist I am not a drug or alcohol counselor, so legally, I am not allowed to use hypnosis to stop a person from drinking or doing drugs.  What I can work on, however, I think is even better.  I can help clients to neutralize the emotional component of drinking and doing drugs.     

Celeste Hackett

Celeste Hackett Family First Hypnosis

About the Author
Celeste Hackett is a board-certifed hypnotist with decades of experience in the field. Her passion lies in helping people create real, sustainable change so they can live their lives free of unresolved, negative emotions and create a healthier way of living. She teaches hypnosis at a National level, writes for the Journal of Hypnotism, and uses advanced techniques to help you overcome stress and create a lasting sense of peace.
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