When it comes to your health, what is happening to you right now is directly linked to what has happened to you in your past, especially during childhood. In a recent study in the Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association – “60% of men and 51% of women in the general population report experiencing at least one traumatic event in their lives “ It goes on to disturbingly state that – “approximately one in four girls and one in five boys experience sexual victimization during child-hood” http://www.traumacenter.org/products/pdf_files/japna425187.pdf The opening line of the reports states that chronic stress and traumatic events are linked and even responsible for “adverse health concerns”.
Harvard Medical School agrees – “Research shows that these events can trigger emotional and even physical reactions that can make you more prone to a number of different health conditions, including heart attack, stroke, obesity, diabetes, and cancer.” They go on to make the emotional link to early childhood perceptions of events – “While a child’s life may not have actually been in danger, the child may have seen it as life-threatening,” says Dr. Kerry Ressler, a psychiatry professor at Harvard Medical School. https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/past-trauma-may-haunt-your-future-health
The Harvard article goes on to say that if you suffered three or more emotional trauma inducing negative events from a long list of what they call “adverse childhood experiences” then your risk for mental or physical adverse effects from the trauma climbs. Some of those listed negative events include; emotional abuse, physical neglect, emotional neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, and substance abuse amongst others.
So, emotional trauma can be a root cause of problems in both health and behavior? Yes. What happens is when we experience an emotion and then distract ourselves from it by muscling through or trying to forget it, those feelings goes subconscious. There are several theories on how physical symptoms, and things like anxiety, depression and bad habits are derived from subconscious emotions, and we won’t go into that here, but any of Dr. John Sarno’s books will get you started. A personal favorite of mine is The Mind Body Prescription.
If you have a hard time accepting emotions as a possible cause of your problems you certainly are not alone. Why is that? Could it be because we don’t really know anyone who could help us to find specific emotions that might bring on specific conditions? Or is it that we fear they wouldn’t know how to make the emotions go away even if they did find them? I would say the reason most people blow off the idea of emotions causing physical problems is all of the above.
Most of us were never taught, by the way, to properly name our feelings, let alone resolve them ourselves. Instead, as stated earlier, what most of us were taught was to simply put our minds on something else when we feel bad, muscle through, or scoff at our feelings. The other problem is that you can’t see emotions under a microscope. They aren’t something you can just cut away with a knife or fix with a pill.
There is some exciting news on the horizon. New hypnotic advances have been made over the past 20 years. A new brand of hypnotist is now accessing those specific feelings causing specific problems and they know how to resolve them. These practitioners are part of a relatively unknown group of professionals, the“special forces” in hypnotism, and they are emotional experts at changing the course of many of these chronic conditions. You can learn more at www.5-PATH.COM.
The bottom line is that hypnosis, done correctly, works even when everything else has failed. Does it work every time with every person? No, but rare, these days, is the person who can’t benefit from this kind of work. You only need three things to get great results. 1) Normal intelligence and 2) Willingness to follow instructions. 3) and a hypnotist experienced in doing 5-PATH – style hypnotic work.
Would you like to learn more about how your inner mind may be causing your problems? Just set up a a free 30-minute telephone consultation with me, right here on my on-line calendar, at www.FamilyFirstHypnosis.com. I look forward to speaking with you.