Family First Hypnosis

Perpetual Valentine’s Day: Competitive Love! A Dallas Hypnotist Takes a Look!

What if there was a way to have that magical Saint Valentine’s Day feeling every day? Well, it’s actually possible, and in this blog, I’m going to give you one of my special secrets on just how you can create that special warmth, love and appreciation almost all the time in your relationship. That’s right,  and you can create these kinds of enduring loving feelings without even having to step through the doors of my office at  Family First Hypnosis.   

But first, a quick google search.  Here is an article that will give you an unending plethora of advice, tips, and suggestions to help keep your romance alive from a wide variety of experts – Redbook Magazine, for instance, has some wholesome tips (47 of them to be exact!)

Now, if you’ve just had a baby, Parents dot com has the cure for a curtailed love life due to that little bundle of joy.  This article is called “Keeping Romance Alive Once Baby Arrives”

 And finally, how about becoming MORE romantic after Divorce! I’ll just quote this one line from the article header  to give you an idea of what’s in store – “Here are tips to help spice up your dating game!” It seems it’s never too late, even after you say “I don’t!”

So, now ready for my hypnotic tip for bringing back the love and keeping that warm cozy feeling (usually only found on days like Saint Valentine’s Day) all year long? Here it is.  Get competitive with your spouse.  You read right.  Make love a competition.   Yes, make it a challenge to do everything you can to be the most loving, kindest person you can possibly be. 

This will work because most couples are naturally a bit competitive (its human nature). Look at your relationship. Both of you have strengths and weaknesses which complement each other, and those differences are fertile ground for “one-upmanship”. Hasn’t it been like that for so long anyway?  Why not make use of that?  Your partner doesn’t even need to be in on the game.  In fact, it will be much more fun if they’re not in on it.  This way, you get to be sneaky in your lovingness.  

Here is how it works.  You just do something nice for them, and you keep doing nice things for them as much as you can.  Really plan and schedule your sneaky love moves and if they are anywhere close to being a normal decent person, eventually they will notice and they will reciprocate. 

Keep the cycle going and you will quickly build a happy habit of being loving and kind.  Eventually, the conscious competition part will fade away and it will just be part of who you (and they) are every day. 

Imagine EVERY day filled with appreciation, affection, and gestures of love.  But, this is only possible with two people who are fairly balanced and whole. If you are struggling with anger, fears, and resentments from the past or in the present, you’ll need to work on those first and that’s why I’m here. Get your free telephone consultation now at

Celeste Hackett

Celeste Hackett Family First Hypnosis

About the Author
Celeste Hackett is a board-certifed hypnotist with decades of experience in the field. Her passion lies in helping people create real, sustainable change so they can live their lives free of unresolved, negative emotions and create a healthier way of living. She teaches hypnosis at a National level, writes for the Journal of Hypnotism, and uses advanced techniques to help you overcome stress and create a lasting sense of peace.
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