Family First Hypnosis

The Fear of Public Speaking; When to Speak Up and Fix It! – A Dallas Hypnotist Takes a Look.

According to, Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is more common than you might think and is believed to affect up to 75% of the population.

 In my Hypnosis practice, I’ve seen varying degrees of this fear.  Some people have no problem speaking in front of strangers, but freeze when it comes to speaking in front of their peers or bosses. Others can easily speak to big crowds, but become nervous in small groups, on conference calls or when speaking one on one with people. 

 The fear of public speaking may seem to be a complex puzzle to the person suffering from it.  You may have tried all the usual tricks and tips offered by professional speakers and organizations such as Toastmasters to no avail. In fact, a quick google search can offer ideas, in the short term, that may help somewhat.  Here is a few from the Mayo Clinic, suggestions such as “Focus on your material, not on your audience.” And “Visualize your success”

Those types of common tricks can vary in their effectiveness, but if short term hacks are not what you are looking for, you may like to know that your problem can be overcome for good.  The reason this is so is because your fear does have a specific, if not hidden (from the conscious mind ) root cause.  That’s right, that fear of public speaking has a inner reason for being there that can be pinpointed and resolved once and for all.  

Here is what you need, so you can use hypnosis to finally get over this problem. 1) know you have a public speaking fear, 2) have the desire to fix it 3) reach out to a qualified hypnotist and 4) show up and do the hypnosis work which takes about 45 minutes to an hour and 1/2 on average.  You’ll need approximately 5 sessions and they’ll be done about weekly.  And you’ll do all of this with no drugs, no side effects, no years of ongoing therapy, just pure 5-PATH Hypnosis done right.  

By the way, there are often unexpected bonuses that can come from working on this problem.  Clients often report feeling more relaxed in general, happier, more optimistic, better at their jobs and they often say they can sleep better.  Because giving presentations are so often related to job performance, you may find that once you are comfortable doing presentations that your value as an employee increases which can lead to a new promotion or a raise in pay.  

Once you get over your fear and you begin to speak in public comfortably, you’ll love your overall new confidence and your increased feeling of having a valuable ability.  In addition, if you are like most of my clients, before long you might actually enjoy sharing your ideas, speaking up, and joining into conversations more, in general.  That’s right, pleasant social interactions may increase as well as feeling you can now give presentations and speak in public with ease.    

If you’d like to talk one on one about your fear of public speaking (no pun intended), schedule a free telephone consultation here on

Photo by Monica Silvestre from Pexels

Celeste Hackett

Celeste Hackett Family First Hypnosis

About the Author
Celeste Hackett is a board-certifed hypnotist with decades of experience in the field. Her passion lies in helping people create real, sustainable change so they can live their lives free of unresolved, negative emotions and create a healthier way of living. She teaches hypnosis at a National level, writes for the Journal of Hypnotism, and uses advanced techniques to help you overcome stress and create a lasting sense of peace.
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