Family First Hypnosis

Transform Your Relationships

with the Power of Hypnosis in Dallas,TX

Hypnosis for smoking cessation.

  • Discover how hypnosis can enrich your relationships – both romantic and platonic.
  • Unlock your own inner strength to find acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, trust, and effective communication in all of your relationships.
  • Overcome negative relationship patterns and behaviors to embrace who you need to be in your relationships.

We all struggle with certain aspects of relationships throughout our lives. Whether you find yourself feeling insecure in romantic relationships, nervous when trying to create a connection with someone new, or can’t seem to keep the peace in your marriage, relationship stress can take its toll on your life.

At Family First Hypnosis, Celeste Hackett is a board-certified hypnotist who works with people who have unhealthy patterns and behaviors, so they can reach their full potential. Her Hypnosis for Relationships program focuses on helping you become more relaxed, accepting, and compassionate with yourself and your loved ones.

Celeste Hackett

Family First Hypnosis

While our Hypnosis for Relationships program mainly focuses on romantic relationships, it works just as well for getting along with family members, co-workers, and others. So if your mother, sister, brother, father, cousin, children, neighbor, boss, or co-workers are your “difficult relationships,” Family First Hypnosis can help.

One-On-One Virtual Sessions (via Skype or Zoom) and Phone Sessions Available!

Experience Lasting Change with Hypnosis in Dallas, TX

  • Hypnotism for relationships helps you break old negative patterns that harm your social, work, and personal connections.
  • Hypnosis helps you overcome relationship fear, unhealthy reactions, or lack of trust.
  • At Family First, we delete the old programming and create better, stronger habits that build trust, intimacy, and self-esteem, so your relationships can flourish.

Hypnosis can help you be more accepting, tolerant, and understanding in your relationships. It can instill the courage to speak up, do or say the things that you’ve previously left unsaid, and communicate with your partner effectively.
Our Hypnosis for Relationships program helps most clients find new, improved relationship patterns in about five sessions.

Hypnosis isn’t just some mystical performance; it’s a real science that The American Medical Association has accepted since 1958. Hypnosis works with the subconscious mind to delete old behaviors, reactions, and underlying negative emotions so you can give and embrace love with newfound freedom.

For those who have a partner, Hypnosis can help you:

  • Find peace and trust when you or your partner breaks trust in the relationship.
  • Increase your feelings of relationship security and boost your self-confidence.
  • Neutralize feelings of anger and fear from the past so they don’t interfere in your present relationship.
  • Increase independence and trust in your relationship.
  • Stop nagging, criticizing, or complaining, and effectively communicate with compassion.
  • Learn how to deal with those who blame, nag, or criticize you.
  • Gain the courage to walk away from a negative or unhealthy relationship.
  • Stop expecting perfection and find joy in your relationship.
  • Get over an old relationship to find a newfound sense of optimism about future ones.

And for those who are single, hypnosis can help you:

  • Overcome the fear of commitment.
  • Have good judgment about when to commit to a relationship.
  • Choose, attract, and date quality people.
  • Relax and enjoy meeting new people without fear or worry.
  • Overcome shyness and radiate self-confidence.
  • Overcome the “nice-guy” syndrome.

Tailored Solutions for Different Relationship Challenges in Plano

Celeste tailors her approach to clients’ needs, goals, and behavior patterns. During the sessions, Celeste works with your subconscious to delete old emotions and patterns that resurface in your current relationships.

During hypnosis in Plano, Celeste will uncover the root problem of your negative relationship behaviors, so you can enjoy your life and create deep, meaningful connections. Her hypnosis sessions can help you with any negative aspects of your relationships.

Hypnosis for Relationship Avoidance & Stress

Have you ever experienced a sinking feeling in your stomach when your partner brings up a difficult conversation, causing you to shut down completely? Or are you with someone who struggles with this when you try to have hard but necessary discussions? Hypnosis can help you uncover the root cause of what some call avoidant behavior, so you can have meaningful conversations that lead to great communication.

Hypnosis for Break-Ups, Separation & Divorce

Hypnosis for relationships, Plano, isn’t only for repairing relationships, but also for getting over past heartbreak, so you can look toward the future with optimism. Past relationships can leave behind lingering emotions deep in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis helps you to overcome these negative emotions, delete old habits, and recover from a broken relationship.

Hypnosis for Toxic Relationships in Dallas, TX

Most of us have experienced some form of a negative or what some may call a toxic relationship. Whether it’s with a partner, co-worker, boss, family member, or friend, negative relationships can take a toll on our minds and wreak havoc on our lives. Hypnosis unlocks your own inner strength so you have the courage and confidence to stand up to or walk away from people and relationships that are detrimental to your life.

Hypnosis for Attachment Styles

We all have different needs and ways we want to be loved. However, when these become unhealthy, we develop attachment habits or what some refer to as “attachment styles,” which greatly impact our relationships. Some attachment habits create a lack of independence and a “clingy” behavior that can drive our partners away. Hypnosis unlocks your inner strength and confidence to promote confidence, independence, and trust so you can give and receive love without worry.

Hypnosis for Prior Relational Experiences

When a relationship ends, the emotional turmoil can linger in your subconscious. Negative experiences from relationships can lead to negative behaviors in future relationships, as old emotions and habits are triggered.. Hypnosis can delete the bad emotions tied to your past and empower you to embrace your new relationship with confidence and an open mind and heart.

Hypnosis for Attracting Worthwhile Partners

If you are someone who finds yourself in one bad relationship after another or you wonder how you always choose people to date who aren’t good, you’re not alone. However, it’s not just that you don’t know how to pick a partner. It’s more likely that your subconscious is actually holding onto fear, negative experiences, or bad emotions that resurface when you look for a relationship. Hypnosis helps you overcome these fears, get resolution on negative emotions, and attract high-quality people.

Fear of Flying

We are going back to Corpus next month to meet the new baby who arrived this past weekend. We are actually planning on was even my idea and I booked the tickets! While I Had never been afraid of flying in my life, during the past year or so, I had found myself more sensitized to it and fearing it. With my new nephew here and more trips in my future, 1 just figured that 1 might as well rip the band-aid off! While I know that things are not 100% perfect, they are better and will continue to improve. Thanks again for your help!

Stephanie Doss, Dallas, TX


My husband and I had been happily married for several years but began having problems that eventually resulted in betrayal. We made the decision to try to work things out and felt that our love for each other was still strong. However, my anger with him did not seem to subside no matter what I tried and my self esteem suffered as well. I tried counseling, read many books, attended a support group, talked to family and friends but could never seem to fully let go and get on the path to recovery. A lady in my support group recommended Family First Hypnosis and I decided to give it a try.

Terri K., Celina, Texas

I Wanted to Let you Know how the Test Went

I wanted to let you know how the test went. First of all I have to say over the last three weeks since I started the Hypnosis therapy I have bee getting much better rest due to our sessions and the night before the test was the best sleep I have ever had before the test. My study habits have improved as well as my recall.

Stephanie Doss, Dallas, TX

Meet Our Expert Hypnotist

Celeste Hacket is board-certified and specializes in in-depth techniques like the 5-path approach. She works with ordinary people who face extraordinary problems to overcome underlying emotions and create a better mindset. This is done in such a way as to target very specific problems. Celeste is passionate about using hypnosis to work with the subconscious mind to restore your relationships or overcome challenges in your everyday life.

Celeste Hackett

Family First Hypnosis For Relationships

Celeste Hackett is a renowned hypnotist who has over twenty years of experience in the field. She is certified through the National Guild of Hypnotists and gained her specialization in working with extraordinary problems through Cal Banyan’s School. Her practice is conveniently located in Plano, Texas, and she serves clients from all over the world.

Whether you are in Denton, McKinney, Frisco, Celina, Little Elm, Fort Worth, Arlington, in Dallas, TX or Plano, Celeste can help with your incredible life changes. She also offers virtual sessions, so you can start changing your life no matter where you are!

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