Family First Hypnosis

Hypnosis for Stress

 Hypnosis for Stress Relief in Plano, Texas

Unlock Peace of Mind - Hypnosis for Stress Relief in Plano, & Dallas TX

Everyday life is stressful and can affect your peace of mind. The brain is the ultimate machine that works in two modes: one when we are focused and engaged and the other when we store and record our reactions for the future, influencing our behavior in a particular situation. In everyday terms, we know it as the conscious and subconscious mind, respectively.

At Family First Hypnosis, we help clients eliminate as much stress from their lives as possible, no matter what we’re working on. Because stress, simply put, comes from negative emotions. Our practice helps you uncover the root cause of overwhelming stress so you can lead a happier, healthier, and stress-free life.

Celeste Hackett

Family First Hypnosis

One-On-One Virtual Sessions (via Skype or Zoom) and Phone Sessions Available!

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by stress?

Addressing stress in everyday life is overwhelming. You have to tackle daily activities with a burden on your shoulders. If this sounds relatable, then you must be tired of feeling stressed. It’s time to fully eradicate stress from your life and enjoy life to the fullest.

Stress comes from negative emotions that stem from two different places – the outside word and from within ourselves. But how do we deal with these negative emotions that cause so much of our daily stress? While there are many methods of coping, none really “stick,” or make a substantial difference at the end of the day.

Ready To Reclaim Your Peace Of Mind And Live Life To The Fullest?

At Family First Hypnosis, Celeste Hackett is a board-certified hypnotist that specializes in helping you to access the subconscious mind to rewire patterns, resolve old emotions, and unleash your own inner strength to unlock healthy reactions to stress. Hypnosis for stress, Plano, is one of the leading solutions for stress management that you’ve never heard of.

See, the problem is that finding an expertly trained hypnotist is a challenge. But Celeste has had decades of experience, training, and success in her field, and provides real, proven results to create healthier mindsets and bring about genuine change. So, if you’re interested in combating stress without the pills or hundreds of therapy sessions, Family First Hypnosis has the life changing solution you’re looking for.

Hypnosis For Stress Relief Offers A Natural And Effective Solution To Help You Manage And Overcome Stress In Plano & Dallas TX

If you’re still skeptical, then you should know there’s a real science behind hypnosis. No, it’s not just some form of Hollywood magic that puts you in a mystical trance. Instead, it’s a genuine solution for rewiring brain patterns, deleting old emotions and ideas, and unlocking your own inner strength to create healthier brain patterns and reactions to stress.

Understanding Stress

What is Stress? – Delve into the nature of stress and how it affects your mind and body.

Stress, simply put, comes from negative emotions we experience in our daily lives. Emotions like anger, fear, sadness, loneliness, guilt, frustration, and hopelessness are what make up the feeling of stress. These emotions come from perceptions we have about things that are happening or have happened in our lives.

Here are some examples of some of the more common perceptions: The idea that someone or something is unfair (leading to anger) or thinking that something bad could happen (leading to fear.). Depending on how stress affects us and the underlying emotions we hold, we may look at stress and call it “anxiety,” or “rage,” or “upset.” In fact, we tend to have a lot of names for that “pit-in-your-stomach” or that “weight on our chest” feeling we summarize as stress.

Inner, or subconscious emotions are simply those feelings that never got resolved properly and linger in your brain patterns causing a multitude of reactions. When we store emotions, it’s both good and bad. On one hand, most of the time you are unaware of them, as they are below consciousness. But on the other hand, they can be “triggered” and cause us to react to minor situations with intense emotions. Have you ever had the experience of reacting with intense anger, sadness, or fear over something relatively small?

You see, we don’t always feel the emotions that are appropriate for what is happening around us. Oftentimes, we feel emotions from external situations plus much of what is being stored deep down. These internal emotions and triggers are often the root source of constant stress.

Types of Stress - Explore the different types of stress, from acute to chronic, and their impact on daily life

Now that we know where stress comes from, let’s take a look at the different types of stress that can affect our daily lives, reactions, and relationships.
  • Acute Stress: Acute stress is a normal level of stress that is to be expected. Reacting to intense situations, life changes, or circumstances is normal. Acute stress can even help us perform well under pressure.
  • Episodic Acute Stress: Episodic acute stress occurs when you feel a normal level of stress frequently and in episodes. Many people who experience this constantly feel like they are under pressure in many situations. This type of stress can make you irritable and cause you to easily lash out at others over small issues.
  • Chronic Stress: Chronic stress is when your unresolved emotions keep you in a state of constant stress. This type of stress can wreak havoc on your life and interfere with your health. While outside factors do play a part in chronic stress, it mostly comes from deep, unresolved emotions.

The Harmful Effects

When you live with unresolved emotions and emotional triggers, stress management is almost impossible. You’ll find yourself reacting to small stressors with intense emotions, causing your body to feel like it’s consistently in flight or fight mode. Constant stress can upend your life and interfere with so many areas. Stress can impact your relationships and cause you to lash out at loved ones over minor issues.

It can lead to health complications like cardiovascular diseases, digestive issues, trouble sleeping, weight fluctuation, and a weakened immunity.

No one should have to live with stress as a constant factor in their everyday life. But how do we manage stress levels when nothing seems to be working?

How Hypnosis Helps

The best way to delete those old unnecessary emotions and rewire the subconscious mind is through hypnosis. But this process requires a very knowledgeable and experienced hypnotist. Enter Celeste Hackett– a board certified and highly trained hypnotist (your very own subconscious guide) who can help you get on the right track and take your power back from stress.

Celeste helps her clients (you) deal with both subconscious and conscious stress through hypnosis to actually access and “delete” the emotional trigger.

Our Stress Relief Programs

For most clients, our hypnosis stress relief program takes about five sessions (and just a wee bit of homework) to achieve stress relief. During these sessions, Celeste will work with your subconscious mind to help you change and resolve deep emotions. Don’t worry, Celeste only helps you change the things you want to change.

Hypnosis for stress relief is kind of like when a family member helps you see a situation in a different light. Except, with Celeste, it will have a lasting impact on you, once you have accepted the new change or idea. For Celeste, hypnosis is about finding those “aha” moments or epiphanies that help you see, feel, and behave differently.

Along with entering the inner mind and deleting old ideas and emotions, Celeste provides an easy 3 step process to resolve stressful emotions as they pop up in your daily life. She will also teach you a method of self-hypnosis that acts as an anti-virus software for the mind. With these two tools, you’ll be able to overcome the bad feelings when they happen or go back to it for the ones that you missed.

With Celeste, you’ll not only be able cope with negative emotions, delete old thoughts, and deal with stress in a healthy way, but you’ll also unlock a deep emotional intelligence within yourself. (It may give you an advantage over other people, so use it wisely.)

Fear of Flying

We are going back to Corpus next month to meet the new baby who arrived this past weekend. We are actually planning on was even my idea and I booked the tickets! While I Had never been afraid of flying in my life, during the past year or so, I had found myself more sensitized to it and fearing it. With my new nephew here and more trips in my future, 1 just figured that 1 might as well rip the band-aid off! While I know that things are not 100% perfect, they are better and will continue to improve. Thanks again for your help!

Stephanie Doss, Dallas, TX


My husband and I had been happily married for several years but began having problems that eventually resulted in betrayal. We made the decision to try to work things out and felt that our love for each other was still strong. However, my anger with him did not seem to subside no matter what I tried and my self esteem suffered as well. I tried counseling, read many books, attended a support group, talked to family and friends but could never seem to fully let go and get on the path to recovery. A lady in my support group recommended Family First Hypnosis and I decided to give it a try.

Terri K., Celina, Texas

I Wanted to Let you Know how the Test Went

I wanted to let you know how the test went. First of all I have to say over the last three weeks since I started the Hypnosis therapy I have bee getting much better rest due to our sessions and the night before the test was the best sleep I have ever had before the test. My study habits have improved as well as my recall.

Stephanie Doss, Dallas, TX

Meet Our Hypnotist

Celeste Hackett is a board-certifed hypnotist with decades of experience in the field. Her passion lies in helping people create real, sustainable change so they can live their lives free of unresolved, negative emotions and create a healthier way of living. She teaches hypnosis at a National level, writes for the Journal of Hypnotism, and uses advanced techniques to help you overcome stress and create a lasting sense of peace.

Celeste Hackett

Family First Hypnosis For Stress Relief

Family First Hypnosis is located conveniently in Plano, Texas. We serve patients from all over Texas. (Cities: Denton, McKinney, Frisco, Celina, Little Elm, Fort Worth, Arlington, Plano & Dallas, TX). Call to schedule a consultation today to get rid of stress.

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