Family First Hypnosis

Hypnosis Sessions

 Hypnosis Service in Plano, Texas

Celeste Hackett

Family First Hypnosis

Hypnosis Sessions

I am available for One-on-One sessions, Video sessions (via Skype or Zoom), and Phone sessions

I Work With My Clients On A Wide Range Of Issues, Including:

Business Coaching

Your business success isn't just about what you do or what you think, but how you feel. It's about loving what you do and being at ease and at peace with yourself and in your close relationships. Unlock your peak performance by working on your specific subconscious causes of your business problems.

Weight Loss

Most people eat as a way of distracting from a bad feeling such as boredom or stress, but weight problems can have multiple causes. Therefore, working with a hypnotist who is very good at finding the underlying hidden causes, those that are invisible to most other professionals, is crucial. If you work with me, you may be very suprised at what iscausing your weight issue.

Stop Smoking

We specialize in smokers that have a VERY difficult time quitting, and yes, they quit.

Specific Fears

Such as fear of dentists, driving, being on stage, making presentations, or changing jobs. We also work with Anxiety and Phobias when referred by a doctor or psychologist.

Public Speaking Fears

Tension and fearful feelings when interviewing, when speaking in groups or in giving presentations.

Relationship Issues

Forgiving family members, speaking up and experssing yourself, getting over betrayal, being unbothered by annoying behavior and attracting quality people.

Ongoing Sadness

Either from a specific loss such as a death in the family, loss of career, divorce or a general sad feeling - such as hopelessness - that has become a way of life.

Habits and behaviors

Hair pulling, bed-wetting, nail-biting and any other behavior you would like to change such as Exercising too muich, working too much or cleaning too much etc.

Anger Resolve

For the person who just gets too mad too often, and wants to have control.

Emotional Mess

For those with many unresolved emotions at play. These people tend to cry too often or easily, takes things personally, and/or feel too guilty, frightened, mad or sad.

General Nervousness

Global feeling of being unsettled or uncomfortable, stressed or not able to relax.

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